TinyLine in Cloud

TinyLine 2D Examples

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Name Description
Alias.java The Alias shows how to draw an oval with anti-aliasing and without it.
Beziers.java The Beziers is an animated bezier curve. It shows how to change the TinyPath geometry and update only part of the screen.
Colors.java The Colors shows how to draw with a single ARGB color.
Dash.java The Dash shows how to draw lines with different line dash patterns.
FillAlpha.java The FillAlpha shows how to set the opacity of the fill drawing operation.
FillRule.java The FillRule draws paths with different fillRule values.
GAlpha.java The GAlpha shows how to set the opacity of all painting operations.
Gradients.java The Gradients shows how to draw with gradients colors.
LineCap.java The LineCap shows how to draw lines with different line cap styles.
LineJoin.java The LineJoin shows how to specify line join styles.
Lines.java The Lines shows how to draw lines.
Ovals.java The Ovals shows how to draw ovals.
Paths.java The Paths draws paths.
Patterns.java The Patterns shows how to draw with patterns (bitmaps) colors. Also, it shows how to draw on different targets and store and restore the graphics state object.
Polys.java The Polys draws polygons and polylines.
SmoothBits.java The SmoothBits shows how to draw images with anti-aliasing.
TextLines.java The TextLines shows how to draw text in different directions. Also, it demonstrates how to line-break and draw a paragraph of text.
Transform.java The Transform shows how to change the current transformation matrix.

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