TinyLine in Cloud

TinyLine for Google App Engine:
Basic demos

TinyLine 2D Examples

TinyLine for Google App Engine comes with a list of TinyLine 2D Examples. They show how Java developers could use TinyLine and Google App Engine for the server side 2D graphics.

To 2D Examples

SVG Thumbnail images

TinyLine brings SVG server side rendering to Google App Engine platform. This example demonstrates how to build a very basic SVG Thumbnail service using TinyLine and Google App Engine. Thumbnail images are convenient way to show SVG files previews to users before they decide to download or play real SVG files. SVG drawing service fetches an SVG Tiny document from the Internet and exports a PNG image of the given size - a Thumbnail image.

To SVG Thumbnail images

Barcode example

TinyLine for Google App Engine helps to port other graphical Java applications to the Google App Engine platform. It is easier to port Java applications that are already using SVG. The Barcode example uses Barcode4J library port. Barcode4J has a wide range of barcodes it supports, it is written in Java and it is using SVG.

To Barcode example

See also SVGArk: Store and Search SVG which is more advanced example of using TinyLine and Google App Engine.

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